CDT Lawsuit Argues President’s Executive Order Targets 1A
The Center for Democracy & Technology filed a lawsuit against President Trump’s “Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship,” arguing that the Order violates the First Amendment by curtailing and chilling the constitutionally protected speech of online platforms and individuals.
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CDT Coronavirus Data Statement & Task Force
The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) released a statement regarding the use of location and other data to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus, and announced the formation of CDT’s Coronavirus: Data for Life and Liberty Task Force.
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As part of our response, we are hosting a series of webinar discussions on some of the most important short- and long-term impacts of COVID-19. This series will create a space to hear from experts, ask questions, and get up to speed on cutting-edge issues in technology policy.
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CDT’s 2023 Annual Report
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Years CDT has been advocating for your digital rights. The next 25 years? 老王v2.2.9
Number of U.S. voters in millions benefitting from stronger election security as a result of CDT’s efforts. More.
Civil society groups united by CDT’s efforts in support of stronger encryption technologies. More.
Hours of pro bono support from our Collaborating Attorney Network. Join.


NTIA Petition is Next Step in President’s Retaliatory Campaign Targeting First Amendment Protected Speech

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We are a team of experts with deep knowledge of issues pertaining to the internet, privacy, security, technology, and intellectual property. We come from academia, private enterprise, government, and the non-profit worlds to translate complex policy into action.
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Tech is all around you – and now, insights on the tech policies that are shaping your digital world can be added to your podcast playlist. You can find CDT’s Tech Talk on 老王v2.2.9, SoundCloud, iTunes, and Google Play, as well as 老王v2.2.6 and TuneIn.

Do the possibilities presented by an innovative, open, and free internet inspire you? Do you find yourself engaged in passionate discussions about privacy policies? Are you yearning to put your expertise to work on Internet neutrality legislation? If so, you might be a great fit for our team. View our open opportunities.
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